

Price £165/£195 – Click here to print booking form

Bookings will be taken from 2nd January 2007.

The booking fee includes:

  • All lectures, workshops & herbwalks
  • All food and drink, except from the bar
  • Campsite with hot showers
  • Evening entertainment

In tune with the environmental ethos of the centre, participants are encouraged to come by public transport, or to carpool. A £10 surcharge is charged per car for parking.

vape pieces

There are a limited number of spaces for children available. There will be some activities for children, but parents will be expected to participate in supervision. Children will be charged a percentage of the fee according to age. Please call for details: Karin Haile 01428 682 005

Cancellation: If we cannot fill your place, £75 of the booking fee is non-refundable. If we can fill your place, the full fee minus a £25 handling charge will be returned.